Sunday, April 26, 2020


Model 1

- How different contours and layers of a wall affect it's texture and how light reflects off it

- Black and White Card
- Tracing Paper

- Layering Card through cutting shapes and indents
- Precise Card cutting


Model 2

- To explore how natural light entered into the living space

- Black Card
- Tracing Paper

- Tracing Paper folding both sharp and light creases


Model 3

- To explore how a different angle of light source (the ceiling) affected the lighting of the living space and how that light could be contained

- Black and White Card
- Aluminium Foil

- line work to align shapes
- precision cutting using surgical knife

Model 4

- to realistically model an area that was adjacent to the living space to provide contextual awareness

- Black and White Card
- Tracing Paper
- Matchsticks
- Paint
- Wood
- Cardboard

- Wood cutting
- Tracing paper manipulation
- Painting


Model 5


- To visualise how the angle at which light hits a surface affects the lighting and composition of the living space
- White Card
- Cardboard
- Paper

- Paper folding

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Week 8: Photo-shopped Images

Fusion 360 Model

This week we modelled our living space using a program called Fusion 360. While modelling, it was important to included puzzle like edges to the components of the model, as shows, to allow for the erection of the model using laser cut components. Here are some perspective images of the model:

Here is an elevation and floor plan:

Week 7: Rendered Models

Sunday, March 1, 2020

Week 2: On site images

Week 2: Data and Colour Visualization

This week we were tasked to visually represent given data sets about students at UNSW. The given data set was "Students in Faculties," as given below.

From this data set, I extracted the following words and an associated image:

      Education             Knowledge              Environment     


Using Adobe Capture; I was able to identify the Swatches, Harmonies, and Image analyses of the associated images.


Week 1: Sketching + Documenting the Site

CHAIR Sketches

Photos of the Site

Sketches of the Site
